Kha - a new theory of the universe


by Finn Rasmussen


Bogen om Kha er på dansk og engelsk.

Den danske del indeholder principper og hovedpunkterne I Kha teorien.

Den sidste engelske del indeholder formler og beregninger.

Vil du se manuskriptet til bogen så tryk her


The Kha theory is an alternative to the Big Bang theory.

The universe is eternal and limitless and filled up with the Kha field.

All forces and all energy is due to the Kha field.




The figure demonstrates that the Kha field is the origin of forces

Field lines of the Kha field eradiates from the atomic nucleous at the bottom.

Near the surface of the nucleous we see a single neutron.

The Kha field has close contact with the surface of the neutron and attract it.

The attraction is higher at the front where the energy density of the Kha field is higher.

The neutron is attracted to the nucleous with a nuclear force also called a gluon force


The figure may also demonstrate the origin of gravity.

Now the fieldlines of the Kha field eradiates from the earth at the bottom.

A body near the earth is attracted by the gravitational force.




Hvis du vil se en lysbilledvideo på 57min uden formler og beregninger så se nedenfor


If you have read or listened to the Kha theory or some of it, I welcome your comments on my arguments as well as on my wording.

Kind regards from Finn Rasmussen
